Drainage Systems in Tacoma

Unwanted water intrusion is one of the biggest dangers to your home and the health of your family. When water infiltrates your space, it can cause hazards like mold growth, pest infestations, wood rot, and more. To get the peace of mind you deserve, knowing your home is protected from water damage, get in touch with the Tacoma basement waterproofing specialists and drainage system installers at Matvey Foundation Repair.

A proper drainage system is an essential piece of any basement waterproofing strategy, and Matvey Foundation Repair in Tacoma offers the best drainage systems on the market today. With the right drainage system, any water that gets in is quickly and easily removed. We use many of the SafeBasements products in our work, including the SafeDrain Drain System and the Multi-Flow Drain Tile. 

Hydrostatic Press slide

How Water Gets Into Your Basement

There are many ways that water can breach your basement, and not all of them are obvious. Cracks in your foundation walls, leaking windows, and damaged plumping or pumps can let water in. But hydrostatic pressure is one of the most common causes.

What is hydrostatic pressure? Simply put, this is the pressure that builds when soil becomes wet and expands. The soil around your home can take on moisture and press inward on your foundation walls. This can push water in through even the smallest of gaps.

The SafeDrain Drain System

Here at Matvey Foundation Repair, we have some of the best basement drainage system installation experts in Tacoma, and we use the SafeDrain Drain System from SafeBasements. This drainage system is placed around the edges of your space and connects to your sump pump. This creates an effective passive water collection method to keep your basement safe and dry.

The SafeDrain Drain System features innovative technology that works with the natural occurrence of hydrostatic pressure and prevents any additional condensation or gasses from coming into your home.

sump drain diagram

The Multi-Flow Drain Tile System

Another great addition to your basement waterproofing strategy can be the Multi-Flow Drain Tile system from SafeBasements. This system is compatible with the SafeDrain Drain System and your home’s sump pump. The Multi-Flow Drain Tile features multiple channels that drain water at the perfect rate to avoid potential pressure buildup. 

Want to learn more about our basement drainage systems and basement waterproofing solutions in Tacoma? Reach out to Matvey Foundation Repair and ask for your free inspection to get started!

rock drainage system in basement perimeter

Free Estimates on Drainage Systems

Call the experts at Matvey Foundation Repair at 253-327-1650 to schedule a free estimate on a new home drainage system installation.